Dance Fitness Classes by Flow Fitness, Oxfordshire

Dance Fit

Aerobic fitness dancing class, involves different routines, including box steps, grapevines and leg curls all put to uplifting music, to achieve a fantastic all body workout. Improving Cardiovascular Health and weight bearing training to build stronger bone density and strengthen muscles.  Monday mornings: 09:40 – 10:40 Cost £8 a sessionor £70 for 10-session course card (prepaid block-booking discount) Location Old…

Pilates Classes by Flow Fitness, Oxfordshire


Pilates develops core strength. The core muscles of the body are the deep muscles of the back, abdomen, and pelvic floor — the muscles we rely on for good posture and efficient movement. In Flow Fitness Pilates classes, we focus on lots of back tone and care movements.  Tuesday mornings: 10:00 – 11:00 (Merry Bells Village Hall, Wheatley)Tuesday evenings: 18:30…

seated exercises mobility fitness wellbeing class flow fitness

Seated Exercises

This exercise class is designed to help maintain and promote mobility and independence. Seated exercise classes focus on cardiovascular and muscle strength with a social element to improve overall wellbeing. Tuesday afternoons: 14:00 – 15:00 (Merry Bells Village Hall, Wheatley) Cost: £4 Locations Merry Bells Village Hall, Wheatley (Tuesday PM)High Street, Wheatley, Oxford OX33 1XP

5k Walk and Tone Group Exercise Classes by Flow Fitness, Oxfordshire

Walk & Tone

A combination of walking and body conditioning pit stops on route to tone lower and upper trunk muscles. It’s a lovely way to get communities together and a lovely way to meet new people, social interactions while being physically active is a great way to boost our mental wellbeing health. Plus what a lovely way to kick start your Sunday…